Signature Class 40
The next opportunity to apply will be in February 2024.
If you are interested in receiving information for Signature 41 or other Leadership Akron opportunities.
Please contact Jill Oldham at if you have any questions.
The application needs to be completed in one sitting. We recommend that you write your responses in a separate document and copy them into the form. The application will request Personal Information (contact and demographic), Education, Employer Information, and Community Service (up to 3 organizations, including roles/dates of service and a short narrative, less than 50 words, on your greatest contribution to each organization).
You will also need to provide:
3 References, including Name, Title, Company, Email, and Phone. Leadership Akron Board members may not be used as a reference.
Personal Narratives (1,024 characters or 100-125 words for each question) according to the prompts shown below.
Provide a brief, third-person biographical sketch of yourself.
Why do you want to participate in the Signature Program?
We strive to develop a class that is comprised of leaders who bring a variety of perspectives. Provide specific examples of the unique blend of personality, interests, talents, leadership style, skills, and life experiences that you will bring to the class.
Describe your leadership qualities. Provide an example of a life experience, or individual, having the greatest influence on you as a leader.
What do you see as the biggest strengths of greater Akron?
What are its biggest challenges? What actions are you taking, or would you take, to capitalize on its strengths and help address the challenges?
What is your vision for Akron’s Future? This response is to be submitted in a brief, 30-second video. Instructions for submitting this video will be provided in the email you will receive after submitting your application.
For the 2023-24 Signature Program, up to 40 individuals will be selected. The process is highly competitive and in general, there are 2-3 applicants for every placement. The selection committee, comprised of the Leadership Akron Board of Directors, carefully reviews all submitted applications. Each candidate will have an in-person interview with a member of the board to provide additional perspective on their application.
The committee looks for applicants who:
Have demonstrated interest in the community through past and current involvement.
Have a passion and commitment to greater Akron
Have an interest in taking their community leadership to a new level.
Have demonstrated a capacity for leadership and have a track record of driving action and results, in their own organization or in the community. We also look for individuals who demonstrate clear leadership potential and those who have the ability to be highly influential.
Will contribute to the shared learning that takes place by sharing their unique experiences with the other class participants.
Represent a diverse group of individuals across all sectors of our community in business, labor, education, health care, arts, religion, government, and community-based organizations.
Represent all geographic areas of the greater Akron region.
Are willing to make the time commitment required to immerse themselves in the program and have the full support of their employer. (Those selected must attend the Opening Retreat and may not miss more than two program days.)
Other considerations for the Signature Program:
It is NOT a requirement to have completed any other Leadership Akron programs or attend any Leadership Akron events.
Appointment to the Leadership Akron Signature Program is limited. Only one candidate is selected from a business or organization in any given year.
Due to the size restrictions of each year’s class, many well-qualified candidates will not be chosen. Applicants are encouraged to reapply in subsequent years. When candidates reapply, it is noted and weighed in the selection process.
Tuition for the 2023-2024 Signature Program (Class 40) will be $4,500.
Tuition assistance may be available thanks to the Phil Maynard Memorial Scholarship Fund. A limited number of partial Tuition Assistance awards, based on need, are granted. In exceptional circumstances, payment plans may be available.